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Daum and Muller Signed, Set of 5 vases in Pâte de verre, France, 1930
Delatte and Daum Nancy, Set of 4 vases in Pate de Verre, France, 1920
Daum Nancy Signed, Acid Etched Olive Green an Brown Soliflore Vase, France, 1905
Set of Daum and Galle Signed, Acid Etched Purple Green Pink Yellow Vases, 1910
Gallé Signed, Large Acid Etched Overlay Lily Vase, France, 1905 (Copy)
Baccarat Pattern, Bright Crimson, Acid Etched Bowl, 1900, France
Baccarat Egelantier Pattern Limon Yellow Acid Etched Bowl, 1900, France
Baccarat Flower Pattern Acid Etched Bowl, Magenta Pink, 1900, France
Delatte and Muller Frères Signed, Set of 5 vases in Pate de Verre, France, 1920
Gallé Signed, Large Acid Etched Overlay Vase, France, 1905
Gallé Signed, Acid Etched Overlay Vase, France, 1905
Gallé Signed, Acid Etched Multi Colored Overlay Vase, France, 1905
Gallé Signed, Large Acid Etched Overlay Lily Vase, France, 1905
Gallé Signed, Large Acid Etched Overlay Vase with Foot, France, 1890
Gallé Signed, Large Acid Etched Overlay Banjo Form Vase, France, 1890
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